Drawn Poorly is a Manchester based project providing creative opportunities focussed on illness and disability. Through zines, workshops and creative projects, we’re dedicated to platforming experiences of illness and disability, providing space and connecting people. stigma and encouraging  conversations about living with chronic illness, disability and mental illness. We’re dedicated to providing arts opportunities for ill and disabled folk.

Starting in 2017, we have been creating in Greater Manchester and beyond and have produced six collaborative zines featuring creatives from all over the world. You can find out more about our zines here.

In September 2018, Drawn Poorly was chosen for the Future Fires programme at Contact, providing development opportunities and funding for the first ever Drawn Poorly performance night – Barriers Zine Launch. The performers included: Jamie Lee, Joby Mageean, Helen Seymour and Katie Watson.

Comedian Joby Mageean @ Barriers Zine Launch, March 19

In August 2019, Drawn Poorly was part of the workshop programme at Edinburgh Fringe Central with a series of creative sessions called ‘Let’s Make Sick Art!’. These were focussed on how the arts could be more accessible to ill and disabled artists.

Drawn Poorly was started by Rose Sergent and is made possible with support from Katie McFaul, Valentina Fandino Ojeda and Claire Jadis plus Hidden Ink Child and all the amazing artists, writers, photographers and companies who have worked with us since 2017!

Want to know more or work with us? Get in touch!

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